viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


Typical food of Sucumbios

Resultado de imagen para palmitoThe province of Succumbios is a very good place to try delisious food.

We find exotic foods such as yacaré, turtle, snake, monkey and the drink of this place that is the sinchicara (made with a cassava maceration).
Among its most popular typical dishes we have:

The ceviche of palmito, the maila de tilapía or cachama, the chicha de yuca and chonta, the mayones or also called chontacuros.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes de la comida de sucumbios
Resultado de imagen para guayusa bebidaGuayusa water is an energy drink that the
take before going out into the jungle. While the chicha de
Yucca is shared during ceremonies.

Resultado de imagen para ajiThe chili is inevitable. Their different varieties have several degrees of spiciness. The main one is red, which they use in sauces, soups, they consume fresh or grated together with other foods.

In the Aguarico and Cuyabeno rivers, they are captured using methodstraditional fish several among them the guachinche
for thepreparation of dishes for the community.

The palm is one of the species that has several uses. 

The objective is to keep alive the culinary traditions and the biodiversity of the jungle.

Resultado de imagen para mayones gusanosResultado de imagen para comunidad amazonica

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